Corporación Cervino is a solid and diversified family business group founded in 1927 , participating in various projects with high added value , with a clear international vision and growth.
Corporación Cervino is characterized by financial strength , sustainability , constant innovation and rigorous management control.
Since its inception, Corporación Cervino has sought to enhance the capacity of the group diversifying, becoming a magnet for entrepreneurs and new innovative projects , while respecting the natural growth of the historical companies of the Group.
The vocation of Corporación Cervino is to be a Family Business Group distinguished by developing with entrepreneurship new profitable and with sustainable growth projects, to maintain the values of the group and ensure the continued strength it brings to be a family.
Likewise Corporación Cervino works with the steady purpose of last in time and to consolidate generation after generation, applying the values that define the group, being these: ethical behavior, teamwork , innovation , development and respect for people and continuous pursuit of excellence .